am a pilgrim and creator ... a visionary and a dreamer. I am a lover of nature in all its forms. I spent many years in big companies and met a lot of amazing people. I traveled a large number of countries to finally always come back home again.
I have never lost contact with our nature and our forests. As time passed, I have learned, on my own skin, how powerful and healing it is.
And this knowledge eventually brought me to the notion of Shinrin-Yoku and then to the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. In 2019, I completed my training and became the first certified Forest therapy guide in the Czech Republic.
My main goal is to help you slow down and find the maximum possible connection with nature again. Nature is a real therapist and my job is to open the dooors for you and keep them open for you throughout your stay in the woods. Everything else will be between you and the nature.
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